Why do White people like hip hop, when they truly dont understand it.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do White people like hip hop, when they truly dont understand it.?
37 answers:
2007-05-10 09:34:21 UTC
not all hip hop is about 'the ghetto'.
2007-05-10 11:14:41 UTC
Gee, glad to see their aint no racists up in here :)
2007-05-10 09:44:44 UTC
First off, let me congraulate you on your attempt to set back race relations. I am white, grew up on the south side of Chicago in the ghetto. I do like some hip-hop, but all of what I do like has nothing to with growing up ghetto. I dont care for music that glamorizes being poor. I've worked my *** off to make to where I am now (lower middle class).

I am really curious to know something else. How do you know where these white kids grew up or there circumstances? By looking at them? Way to keep bigotry and racism alive and well. You should be proud of yourself.
2007-05-10 09:43:11 UTC
Lol this is funny! I grew up listening to Eric B & Rakim, KRS-One, NWA, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac, etc. I grew up listening to hip-hop music. Just because I'm white doesn't mean I don't understand it. I am a hip-hop head. I listen to nothing but lyrics. I love Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Black Milk, etc. You don't know where I grew up at. Don't tell me I don't know what it's like to grow up in the ghetto. My parents have let me listen to whatever I wanted to my entire life. I remember watching Yo! MTV Raps. You probably don't even know what that show is.

So get your racist @$s out of here with this bull$hit statement.
2007-05-10 10:22:12 UTC
who are u to say white people don't grow up in the ghetto , i did and i know a lot of other white people who did too, i understand what the rappers are talkin about in there songs, i know how it is, ur gettin white and black confused with rich and poor as most people do , there are plenty of black kids too who grow up in nice nieghborhoods away from the ghetto and still act like there all ghetto and bad too ,its not just white all of them little rich kids do that, there are white people in the ghetto too, just because there ain't alot doesn't mean there not there,
2007-05-10 10:14:10 UTC
The same reason some black people like Rock n Roll or Country whether they understand it or not...
2007-05-10 11:17:28 UTC
who's to say what the next man understands? I am black hun and hip hop is not me nor apart of who I am~ get your mind right~
2007-05-10 10:46:21 UTC
Nothing is wrong with listening to a certian type of don't have to understand it, as long as u like the sound of it and how it makes you feel...Like me, I'm not Indian, I don't speak the language either, but i still have some Indian songs on my iPod! Nothing wrong with that . . .You should respect other people's opinions rather than labeling people because of their race or what the media says.
: )
2007-05-10 10:29:28 UTC
I know some Black people that have no idea what hip hop is about and White people that do. U don't have to be from the Ghetto to know what hip hop is.
2007-05-10 09:47:45 UTC
I'm sure they like it for the same reason I like classical music, it speaks to me. Sista, instead of pushing whites away from hip-hop and black cluture in general we should guide those who are interested in our culture to better understand us as a people if there is an applicable link. This in turn might prevent racism, stereotypes, and situations like the Imus fiasco and further bring all races closer together. Just a thought. Maybe just wishful thinking.
mallets are for everyone
2007-05-10 09:39:56 UTC
Not every rapper grew up in "the ghetto" or "the hood". Music in general is meant to be a form of expression. Just because a majority of people who listen it are black doesn't mean that it is just for "black people". The same goes with any other genre with the exception of hate music. If you ever listen to old school rap it is about the more that just life in the "ghetto". So please don't generalize and stereotype-there is too much of that going on already.
2007-05-12 15:29:08 UTC
Get some duct tape for that mouth. So you're saying you and all black people have ownership of hip-hop and you have to be black to listen to it. Get the f*ck out. You are one funny character. And anyway, how in the hell would you know about UrbanDictionary. Is it because you looked things up there? You need to think sh*t out before it comes out your mouth. That sh*t ain't right. One of the best emcee's in New York City is Immortal Technique and he's a Peruvian. I wonder if your ignorant a s s even knows where that is. It's safe to assume your an idiot.
2007-05-10 10:59:25 UTC
Why does any type of music have to know a color boundary? Who gave you the right to determine who can enjoy hip hop? People like what appeals to them. Besides, most of the hip hop we hear today isn't about the ghetto anyway. It glamorizes thugs, drugs, and mistreating women. And a lot of the "artists" in hip hop today are manufactured by their labels and have no real, honest stories to tell. The true artists in hip hop talk about real issues. My father is white and he did grow up in the ghetto...the only white kid in his whole school, he understands the music and recognizes today's hip hop as the garbage it is. And despite my personal opinions about the downfall of hip hop music, people have every right to listen to whatever they want.
Bark at the Moon
2007-05-10 09:46:13 UTC
I guess i like the music and the beat. I try to listen to the lyrics but cant understand them some of the time. I've never listened to it just get get closer to the hood or ghetto life...dont much feel like getting shot at or stabbed.
2007-05-12 03:17:20 UTC
Hmmmmmmm I'm curious as to what it is that makes you think you know all of this. You are obviously wrong and it has been proven. Do you feel just a bit silly now??? I don't care who or why anyone listens to hip hop nor do I question why anyone listen to any other kind of music. I have never even thought about it and don't know why anyone would,. I just listen to whatever music that I want to and I don't have to explain to anyone why!! Why are you stressing over this. Why did you waste your time posting it..You have proven nothing except the fact that you don't know what you are talking about and that you are racist!! Geez girl, why all the hate???
2007-05-10 20:43:08 UTC
You are the one with issues. Have you listened to Reggae? Supercat had an album called THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES. I believe that the struggle continues. I am white and I am one helluva rapper! I have so many fans you would sh!t your drawers! Yes, I'm from the Dirty South and that comes out in my language. I also went to college. I rap about the black men I have I do know about the struggle. Probably with a broader perspective than you!

White ppl are poor too. And yes I sympathize with the problem of the urban poor! Regardless of color. And there are more colors than black and white. I used to teach on an Indian Reservation and I was inspired and encouraged to rap by a Hispanic chicka from Imperial Beach, California. She let me listen to her crips and bloods raps tapes.

When you get a record deal...holla back at us!

And when you get the courage to "color outside the lines", I will applaud you.
Frank K
2007-05-10 09:43:26 UTC
and people wonder why racism still exists.......

I like hip hop not only for the beat, but for the lyrics aswell. Not all white people grow up in middle class suburbia. I grew up in the hood, almost all of my friends are black or hispanic. My boys know I'm white, but treat me like I'm a brother, it's how I grew up, and it's how I'll always be.

"Take a look in my eyes you'll see i be a gangster till i die!"

"I'll pull a .38 Magnum and get the clickin' and clackin' "

That's just how I roll, don't mess
2016-11-27 05:20:17 UTC
Hip Hop is my widespread style. I hear to different stuff, I in elementary terms have 2 Jazz albums, one by potential of Dizzie Gillesepie and one by potential of Thelonious Monk, and that they are in heavy rotation. I additionally hear to a pair metallic, generally gadget Of A Down, undesirable Brains, Rage against The device, and a few Minor hazard. i'm going to additionally hear to a pair Reggae, generally Bob Marley. whilst on the line with my kin, i'm going to in many cases save the radio on some Spanish station, I ought to, my mom cant stand hip hop, any of it. Does that propose i'm no longer a real Hip Hop Head?
2007-05-13 23:15:47 UTC
gurl i feel ya!! im hispanic but i grew up in a rough a*s life and when i hear some of them lyrics i can relate and yeah i like it.......but i have noticed that there a few people that are askin weird *** questions bout some of the music and what they are sayin. oh and some people say some people are some good rappers b cuz of the beat and not the lryics when in reality the people they talkin bout SUCK!!! lol but yeah in rap its all about the lyrics and what they talkin bout
~ ★ ~Soulja Girl~ ★ ~
2007-05-10 09:49:12 UTC
umm im white and i listen to rap but i lived in atlanta georgia for 8 years watched a lot of my friends get put in jail or beat, so does that justify my right to listen to it. i listen to rap because behind the song is a hidden message. t.i once said that he rights about his experiences so that others can learn from them and better themselves, and in the process has become a number one rapper. i dont think its fair that people are stereotyping rappers, but its also not fair when people stereotype others for listening to the music. you are right white people will never know the struggle african americans went through but when i listen to the music im listening to the pain that ya'll have to go through every day so when im faced with a situation i know i can handle it because you people have stood there ground for years. i dont know if things will ever get better for african americans i can only hope that it gets better.
2007-05-10 09:36:00 UTC
Why do White people like Chinese food they probably don't understand what's gone into it to create it. I mean how can you appreciate anything if you don't know what the point of it is...

or maybe...

a flower - what's the point of a flower? There isn't a point. Botanists understand and appreciate flora on one level, a child on another. It doesn't make the appreciation, the feelings of awe any less valid.
2007-05-11 20:57:55 UTC
hip hop doesnt have to do with just the ghetto theres artist that didnt grow up in the ghetto and are great artist such as Kanye west
2007-05-10 09:36:34 UTC
you could have said the same thing about early Blue's music as well...fortunately it's a free country and we can listen to whatever we want.

I love the Roots, Blackalicious, Jurassic 5 even tho I don't have the same background as them, so what's wrong with that?
Bare B
2007-05-10 09:41:56 UTC
Music is music, and it all depends on the listeners taste. While I was in Iraq, I found that some of the Arab music is pretty good. Not all, but some.

I personaly don't like Hip Hop music, but that is my preference. Because I don't come from Vienna, I shouldn't like classical music? If I am not from out west I shouldn't like country?

Is this Al Sharpton or Jessie asking this? I find this question extremely racist.
Change of Venue (Not In Use)
2007-05-10 11:24:26 UTC
I am white and I understand it, I grew up on the streets hearing gunshots every night, my dad got robbed at gunpoint when i was a kid...but yes i do agree with you. all these people that blame rap for all the bad things pisses me off. They don't know how hard it is to live in some conditions. All singers sing about their past, and their past influences their music, but when rappers do it, its bad?

2007-05-10 10:34:11 UTC

Here's a bit of a reality check for you..

I started doing breakdancing in 1982.. and have been into hip hop ever since.. was in two gangs.. one a famous graff gang.. and some of my homies are globally renowned writers and artists now..

Yeah in AUSTRALIA... hip hop was always WHITE... when I started doing hip hop all the homies were white!!!

It's only when it became hip and cool that every dark colored person associated with hip hop and then tried to claim they own it.. what a CROCK!!!

In any case.. the American blacks borrowed hip hop from the latinos who have done breakdancing and colorful murals in their own ghettos (which make US ghettos look like child care) for decades before a black man ever learnt his first rap lyric..

Blacks have a habit of overpowering by stealth.. because Africans are big and boisterous compared with little white boys..

Say what you like though.. facts are facts sista.. coz I WAS THERE!!!

Most hip hoppers in my country are white, the industry here is run by whites.. and all the pioneers in Australia.. are also white..

So if you visit here like all the other American rappers we get here.. please dont act like you own the joint.. or you'll get slammed like Kerupt did.. yeah ask about it.. Yuckmouth and Kerupt slammed in Australia.. trying be hip while filming their G-TV crap... pfft!!!
2007-05-10 18:53:53 UTC
appreciation of music of any type has nothing to do with race ,culture or location of ones home.i am white and enjoy all types of music including rap,hiphop.the list goes on and take on your question is simply that it was not worded well or your mind was not open when you wrote it.
2007-05-10 13:08:24 UTC
rap isn't made for one color of people to listen is for everyone to enjoy and appreciate. You can't assume that "white", "asian" or "hispanic" people can't understand and appreciate an art form?? How sad and closed minded...i hope you wake up and realize your views are stupid and irresponsible. p.s. hip hop is apart of anyone who chooses to listen to it and feel it.
2007-05-10 09:44:46 UTC
The liberal media has promoted hip-hop & gangster lifestyle to the masses; the young kids have embraced it as a fad. It will eventually die out but MTV and other groups who influence young people are trying to promote negative "reverse racist" type values to young people as a form of anarchy, to support their socialist agenda. Liberals will support anything that will bring down our capitalistic society,

Ask a young white person why they like rap; they will tell you they don't really know and probably don't really like it, but feel compelled because everyone else is doing it. Remember, you can't spell "crap" withouht "rap".
2007-05-10 16:27:12 UTC
Well, not to be mean, but at my school there is alot of white ppl that LOVE acting black and they go around singing rap songs like they know them and they act mo black den we[black ppl] do. so i be like 'damn!'
mack j
2007-05-10 09:38:49 UTC
when i listen to music,no matter what it is,i never pay attention to what is being said,i could care less about what is being said,music don't sell by what is said, but by how good it need to grow the way i know you are white because no one black would make that type of comment.
2007-05-10 10:32:02 UTC
GEE, I dont know.

Why do Black people try and act like they already know everything, when they can't even spell CULTURE right???

Speaking of white people going to, i think you should go DICITONARY.COM and learn how to ******' spell!

This question is racist.
Sean D
2007-05-10 09:35:43 UTC
Cuz there Dizzzown wit the set hOME sLIcE
Silver Lady
2007-05-10 09:36:00 UTC
I am white and I don't like hip hop, I don't understand it!! :)
2007-05-10 13:59:38 UTC
excuse me but im white and i understand it perfectly.
2007-05-10 09:36:21 UTC
Don't worry, I don't like hip-hop!
Mike E
2007-05-10 20:44:14 UTC
American racial tensions unite! once again.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.