I'd like to mention that Audio Technica, Sony, and Sennheiser all make Active Noise Cancelling headphones as well... and they tend to work much better than beats when it comes to actually cancelling out noise. In fact, almost all professional audio brands (Sennhsier, Shure, Sony, etc) make BOTH Active and Passive Noise cancelling headphones. I just had to call that one out.
Anyways... Beat's are popular. I'm not sure if that means they're for posers are not... but, ,what I know for a fact is that they're simply not quality headphones. THey're about average, or a little below average quality.
If you want high quality headphones, you need to go with a professional grade brand like Sennheiser, Shure, AUdioTechnica, AKG, Grado, etc. Beats are just popular pieces of junk.
Beats may sound good on their own, but if you compare them to a pair (for example) Grados, the Beats will start to sound like Junk. Generally, most other headphone brands make better headphones for MUCH less $$ than Beats.
I own a pair of Grados that cost me $150, and are hand-built in New York. I laugh whenever I see people wearing their $400 China-built Beats... I also need to mention that my Grados sound just as good (Maybe even better) than those $400 Beats, for much less $$. You may say "Those grados don't have noise cancelling though" Which is true. THat just means I'll move over to some noise cancelling Sennheisers or AKGs which sound as good or better... again for half the price (or less).
Lastly.. Bose is a bit worse than Beats. But they're both so bad it doesn't even matter which is worse...
Hopefully I helped.