How popular is rap?
2007-05-10 02:38:50 UTC
How popular is rap?
Fifteen answers:
2007-05-10 07:59:46 UTC
Very. Hip-hop and rap's influence is prevalent everywhere. If you even say "Word", "Peace", or "What Up" occasionally you have been influenced by it even in the slightest way. Which is a good thing, after all isn't America about diversity? Well not the past, but isn't that what we are attempting to strive towards?
2007-05-12 04:50:33 UTC
Rap is very popular, for the black community, and even white kids are getting into it. Rap is something the black community in the USA have been able to initiate and use as a means of putting food on their table since most of them ( males ) cannot get an ordinary job from the white folks. So whoever condemns rap just because some rappers say hoe and bitches, doesnt make rap bad. Rappers like lupe fiasco dont rap about hoes.

Rock is not pure either, sometimes rock promotes drug just like rap do too. sometimes i dont hear what they say in rock too haha, when they play that guitar and scream like little girls, i barely understand. So my conclusion is., listen to what you want and stop criticizing someone else's music because music has its good and bad side.

Peace hommies.
2007-05-10 03:14:28 UTC
Without rap half the black community wouldnt be able to identify with a particular culture. Rap touches yo heart whether you are into bling or conscious rap it helps you identify with a particular ideology. So to answer yo question just look at all the black people in the world then look at half the white community , 3/4 of the latin community and 1/4 of the chinese community and that is how popular rap music is.
2007-05-14 01:54:05 UTC
Rap is not as popular as the sentimental hits songs in the genre of Westlife.
2007-05-10 04:14:01 UTC
Not alot of people like rap so the answer would be not THAT popular, but I still love listening to them though!
2007-05-10 06:12:44 UTC
it is very popular in both negative and positive ways


how rappers call women ho's and bitches or gangs


people expressing their life situations such as makin it with a single parent or how they're r comin up out of the ghetto

im 4rm a ghetto family but im makin it i go 2 a top skool (Central High) in Memphis and i hav 2 ride 2 buses erday 2 get home
: )
2007-05-10 10:57:05 UTC
Very. They have Rap in commercials.
A Girl With a Dream
2007-05-10 16:13:41 UTC
Really popular.
butter ball
2007-05-12 18:12:31 UTC
rap is dumb

The money makes you popular
2007-05-12 02:53:29 UTC
catching up to pop & rock, you cant watch tv with seeing something involving rap/hipop. between cermercials, tv shows & movies your bound to get a earfull
2007-05-10 02:46:26 UTC
I don't like rap and hip hop.I think it totally isn't music.It's pain to the ears.It is popular in teens and young adults.I don't even understand half the words they say!
2007-05-10 04:15:50 UTC
yooooooooooo ! yooooooooooo! got conway up and down my spine ......... oh yeahhhh imm break up ya scale.......... diamonds on his shadessssssssssssss, yeah hes just twinkling in the light......................... 26 ~ 50 "sssss damn oh yeah oh yeah imma brake up a scale ............ now they calling me to do it where >?

got 26 inch;s ya alreadldy know like damn player

diuamonds on my neck imma break up the scale........................ worth a few milll ? he aint neva been a pusha ........... just USE UR HEAD !!!!! get money oh yeah, soooooooooo what cha think ~?? lol i love it ^geegee^
can't help it
2007-05-10 06:06:13 UTC
Very even to the people who hate it, you have to hate it to know it
2007-05-10 02:44:22 UTC
VERY POPULAR.............look how muhc cash and bling bling those rappers have........and all the cars....and grills.....the clothes.........the h0e$............
2007-05-10 02:47:47 UTC
my opinion rap sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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