i need to know how does hip hop make people feel what do you feel taste or touch when u listen to hip hop?
2007-05-10 07:48:13 UTC
this is a hard project for me i have to write 2000 wod essay on it plz hepl thnx
Thirteen answers:
2007-05-10 07:51:15 UTC
I like to turn it down or better turn it off.
2007-05-10 15:00:29 UTC
Hip hop is like biting into a grapefruit. It can sometimes be bitter, yet sweet...bold and In your face, bright and brilliant. Hip hop makes me feel connected to what's real, minus the obligation of being "politically correct." It allows people to "tell it like it is" and be as obvious or oblivious as they want. Unfortunately, what's being played on the radio rarely falls into this criteria, But hip-hop, at it's core, changed the world! (check out the roots, mos def, common, dead prez, chuck d, scarface...for some insight.)
2007-05-10 18:10:05 UTC
I was a teenage white boy.. living in dire poverty.. broken home.. daily beatings.. and violent neighborhood.. witnessed everything from stabbings to severe beatings and had attended a few friends funerals by age 16..

What did I get out of hip hop music???

Well for me and most of my friends it was the only music we could relate with.. it spoke of us and to us.. and as silly as it sounds in some cases educated us..

Because unlike your good self.. most of my homies grew up with nothing.. no loving home, no money.. no good job, no career waiting.. and often no self confidence the big killer..

hip hop with its battle beat gave all these boys a confidence kick.. and helped unite those type of people.. hence why you have so many hip hop type gangs.. the music and culture provides a bond.. in a social-class where love, kindness and luxury is rare.. and where most boys grow up fighting for themselves..

Hip hop nutures one thing inside us all.. the desire and ability to battle.. something we all possess.. and in modern society are told to avoid.. hip hop encourages battling.. from breakdance battles to rap battles and graffitti battles.. hip hop fostered competition and developed an entire genre mostly for the good of those who need it most.. the poor in the ghettos..

When I listen to rap.. I feel I am being spoken to.. I feel that when Tupac talks about Brenda's baby.. that he is telling me how it is.. not sugar coating to sell abums.. but telling the harsh reality.. when some rappers like KRS-1 preach about life.. I actually take notes.. KRS-1 has a PhD and is one of the worlds top rappers.. he wirtes about life and real stories and is considered hardcore though.. not a popular artist at all.. but that's what i consider rap.. not 50 cent..

So to me.. hip hop is like a documentary.. and pop music (which includes bling bling rap) is like watching the disney channel..
Naquel S
2007-05-10 14:54:52 UTC
I hope I can help. When I listen to hiphop, I feel different. At first I'll listen to the beat and than the words. Once I hear the message within the music, I just begin to apply it to myself and that makes me feel different because I can actually relate to what the person is saying. I can also dance to it and put my own style into it, just be myself.
2007-05-10 14:56:54 UTC
maybe you should listen to some good hip-hop and then you can write about how it makes you feel, i can suggest some songs for you if you like....
2007-05-10 19:42:41 UTC
To me Hip Hop is all about nice, smooth, groovy beats.
Master Pain
2007-05-10 14:51:07 UTC
hip hop makes me feel bad. the genre has turned into a pathetic hollow shell of itself, and lost all relevancy to what it once meant.
2007-05-14 02:47:51 UTC
for me it is not even the words that draw me to hip hop. It is the beat
2007-05-10 14:52:01 UTC
U feel hype ... like all the world is at ur feet cheking you out ... u have the power 2 kill & forgive ... ur GOD
2007-05-10 14:56:03 UTC
makes me feel like a king. i feel so passionate. i usually tase nothing really and touch nothign perticular.
2007-05-10 14:54:27 UTC

You mean other than the bile in my throat?
2007-05-10 15:03:14 UTC
it makes you feel gud, lol it sum how makes you feel as tho you kul and with it, i feel so hot you'd burn if you were to touch me lol
felicity m
2007-05-10 14:53:26 UTC
just put music channel and documentary and then you will get

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