Why is Hip Hop taking the rap for all things bad in the black community?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why is Hip Hop taking the rap for all things bad in the black community?
Thirteen answers:
Big Sosa
2007-05-11 19:39:51 UTC
It's a paradox. Hip Hop is supposed to be a reflection of the struggles of the inner city. The blame shouldn't just go straight to hip hop itself. Hip hop doesn't control what gets played on the radio or on the video channels while the kids are out of school. Everyone remember: Not all of Hip Hop music is negative. Also remember that these major labels put all of their money and support behind the negativity while the positive MCs are left on the shelf to fend for themselves..
Change of Venue (Not In Use)
2007-05-10 07:20:16 UTC
Anyone that says its raps fault needs to open their eyes.

Yes its true that they rap about guns and drugs and stuff like that but because they were poor(I'm not being racist) After slavery was ended (and thank god it was), its not like everything went all nice and America was one nice big family. A lot of people were still racist so it was hard for the black people to get a job cause of the stupid racist people.. Rappers are poets, don't get mad because they rap about their life. The kids just take it too literally. Its their parents fault that they don't teach them right. oh they don't have parents? then they're in the same boat as the rappers are! Haven't you ever heard Eminem's song: Sing for the Moment? he says "see what these kids do, is hear about us totin' pistols

and they wanna get one cause they think this sh*ts cool

not knowing we really just protecting ourselves, we entertainers

of course this sh*ts affecting our sales you ignoramous

but music is just a reflection of self, we just explain it

and then we get our checks in the mail, its fu**ed up aint it?

how we go from practically nothin' to being able to have any fu**in thing that we wanted....." Eminem is white but it still means the same thing.

jeffadelic....don't be dumb. It's not the rappers fault, they were poor and had to do anything they could to make money to support themselves and their family. In Biggie's song "Juicy" he says in the beginning "This albulm is dedicated all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' from that called the police on me when i was just trying to make enough money to feed my daughter." When you cant get a job you have to do anything. All they knew was the hustle. and let me guess your gonna say "oh its easy to get a job, like at McDonalds.." you dont know sh*t
: )
2007-05-10 10:40:19 UTC
Exactly. People are always looking for someone else to blame. I have never heard any one say "I'm smoking weed because of Rap" or "I called her a bi*ch because or Rap" or "I'm not going to school because of Rap." I've been listening to Rap for as long as I've been alive (18 years) and I've never heard a Rapper call me or anyone else that I know a ho. It's ridiculous. People always say that the "Black Community" this and that when White males buy more Rap albums than anyone else. They need to figure out the real problem instead of placing blame.
2007-05-10 06:09:05 UTC
2007-05-10 06:15:30 UTC
bcause mostly da black community listens 2 hip- hop
2007-05-10 05:25:36 UTC
The truth of the matter is that "in the hood" black kids are being influenced by the actions of hip-hop

music .

Kids are killing people for cell phones,ipods and whatever they think will give them some bling .

The problem is epidemic in our neighborhoods and blacks are encarcerated in large numbers .

In my part of N.C. we have five black teens who have life sentences because their lives imitated hip-hop music .

Do you think fiddy or birdman care about those teens ?

The hip hop artist does not want to take any responsibility when black teens want to carry guns,kill people and poison their community with drugs after they portray that behavior in their videos and cd's .
Richard F
2007-05-10 05:10:58 UTC
The communities reflect each other, which makes change more difficult. You are right about the CDs. And you are right about taking the responsibility for your children.. Spread the word.
2007-05-14 04:01:36 UTC
That is just it some rappers call all women hos, bitches, and the "n' word. Who cares what Imus said ,young people don't listen to him but , they do listen to rappers. I think your right you can just change the channel,but you can't say it is alright for rappers to say these words and then get mad because someone else says the same thing. If you really want this question answered ask Al Sharpton he was the one that got all of this bull started.
2007-05-10 17:40:43 UTC
2007-05-10 10:56:38 UTC
I agree when you say that people should take responsibilty for how they raise their children and stop blaming the media, I look at it this way. Hip Hop is the only music that degrades women by calling them B*tches and hos. It also promotes promiscuity as well. I agree that people need to sit there children down and teach them right from wrong however in this day and age there are may children being raised by the T.V or by older grandparents who aren't aware of what is going on. Some are pretty much raising themselves. Moreover a lot of children look up to these artist as role models (like it or not) and if their roll models are teaching them to call women B*tches and Hos then that is what they are going to do. There are plenty of songs that do not degrade women. Look at the songs for the 70's and 80's, those were songs that were written about how to love and treat a woman and the songs about sex were more discrete. I personally love Teddy P's Close the Door and Sexual healing but when I was a child I had no idea what they really meant. Today I have to monitor what my 9 year old hears and sees because people think that it is ok to put half naked women and men dry humping them on T.V. The problem is that people have become desensitized to these words and they think that it is ok but when I was a child you would have never heard a man calling a woman a B*tch or a ho, they had much more respect for women then that. Freedom of speech should not be at the expense of some one else's dignity. Besides (And I will say this one more time) I love Hip Hop, however some of the music is giving the Black community a bad rap. People out there really believe that we live this way. I personally am an educated African American Woman who is married and has been with the same man for 16 years. We are proud parents to our 5 children (one of which is from my previous relationship). I live in an middle class neighborhood, have 2 cars. I teach my children that their education is more important than having $100 sneakers and 22 inch rims on a car. I have also taught my sons to respect all women and my daughters to respect themselves. My husband has worked at the same job for 17 years and has never been to prison or in any type of trouble however a lot of people in society see him us as being no different than those they see in the music videos or on MTV cribs and I do not like the fact that people assume that all of us are rap music blasting, unemployed, baby making welfare recipients or that we would rather drive fancy cars on 22 inch rims and wear $100 dollar sneakers as oppossed to paying my bills but that is how we are portrayed in the media. Freedom of speech is one thing but degradation is another. And the sooner people realize this the better off we'll be.
2007-05-10 06:42:36 UTC
qual o nome do meio do seu pai
2007-05-10 07:04:12 UTC
ye-yeah...wazzup wit dat?!! dat sheeeiiiiitttttttttttt be wiggity wiggity wack. fo rillz, o.g.!! y erry1 alwayz be frontin????
Sean D
2007-05-10 09:39:22 UTC


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