What are the good school music where you create hiphop beat, djing, mixing etc in Singapore? thankx in advance
baal d
2007-05-10 07:40:26 UTC
What are the good school music where you create hiphop beat, djing, mixing etc in Singapore? thankx in advance
One answer:
2007-05-10 11:29:21 UTC
Ummmm.... school?????

Dude.. hip hop is informal.. just get a few turntables.. a mixer.. 3 track will do.. and buy yourself some 12" LP's..

You'll need a drum machine or a drummer, a bass guitar helps.. and a sequencer/loop phaser.. oh.. and a mic..

That's it!

You can add an audio interface or buy a muti tracker and even burn your own CD's at home.. studio quality!

You'll need a good synthesizer for that too..

All up if you want to make music.. buy the gear.. which can range from $2000 upto $15000 ... my studio is worth around $10000.. then you can practice daily.. on all the different items of equipment and only with years of practice will you become good at it..

No short cuts.. no schools.. no teachers..

Having said that.. if you just want pot have a bit of fun then I am sure there are schools for that.. but as far as I know.. you leanr hip hop on the streets and nowhere else..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.