is rap music responsible for the crimes and violence?
bob m
2007-05-10 02:05:50 UTC
yes i want to know why rap music is still aloud to be heard on the radio. rap music is responsible for most violence and crimes. they teach young kids violence and later on the kids turn into criminals especially those black animals why is it not banned
Thirteen answers:
2007-05-10 22:48:20 UTC
yes it is thank you i say take that punk stupid crap off the airways the planet and every where
2016-05-20 01:21:04 UTC
No. The media always tries to lay the blame somewhere. Ultimately, people are resonsible for their own actions. TVs, movies or music don't cause someone to break the law, they want to. If music holds that much power, why isn't it reported that a happy song made someone do something positive? There's a song called "I'd Like To Buy the World a Coke", do you think that made someone go out and buy everyone on the planet a Coke? I wish all the blame happy people would think of that example and realize that it's quite absurd to blame music for some idiots actions.
2007-05-10 08:22:17 UTC
Music and media do influence children. But I believe that children becoming violent lies square on the parents. Monitor what children take in. Rappers, like all other artist, write what they see, think, and feel. What you're proposing is censorship of a certain group's opinion, which is discrimination. If you don't like it... change the station. Media doesn't TEACH kids, parents do. If you show them the right way, instill some sort of spirituality in them, and are a good role model yourself they will become good citizens and people. I have listened to rap all my life and I'm a biopharmaceutical scientist, not an animal.
2007-05-10 04:55:51 UTC
It is not responsible because they are not forcing people these days to kill or be violent... you take the decision upon yourself... it is an influence, but that is not the only thing that promotes violence, there are also movies and even cartoons that are violent.. and bty... that sH*t you said of black animals is grimy... not all of them are black and they're not animals... that is a job they hold and they make their money that way, i'm sure if you were the one rapping and making the money and making a living that way, you wouldnt appreciate that comment... but anyway.. moving along, plus think about it, if you banned that, that is a big cash flow, imagine all the money being lost.... anyway... thing about wat you said, if you were behind the scenes on these areas i'm sure you wouldnt be so one sided about it... and to finish my point, not everything that they rap about is violence, listen to lyrics and open your eyes and your mind... if you dislike it so much, what are you doing listening to it... because if you didnt listen to it, you wouldnt have known the content in the music
Silent Assassin
2007-05-10 13:45:07 UTC
Wow black animals, I guess Jeffrey Dalmer eating people and all these young white kids shooting up schools are exceptions to the rule. It's not banned for the same reason your heavy death metal music and movies like SAW 1, 2 ,3 (movies about a crazy "white" man killing people because he feels it's just) are not banned. Racist go find a hobby that doesn't involve hurting yourself for attention or hurting other people because Bon Jovi broke up...Jackass, it's music and entertainment! Learn the difference between them and reality then come back and we can talk.
2007-05-10 02:13:07 UTC
Yes I think it has a lot to do with it, but it also has to do with people making the right choices... rap music isn't holding a gun to some guys head, sure the words may have inspired someone to hold the gun up to his head, but there's choices to be made, personally I agree... My son wont be listening to rap as long as he's in my house. I really don't think anyone should be called a musician if their not going to work for it... I think this playa **** brought a lot of carelessness to the relationship scene too, but then there are choices there too. I suppose it all boils down to people making better choices for themselves.
2007-05-10 03:23:49 UTC
Yeah rap is responsible for violence and crimes , but so is rock, pop, hell even opera. Not forgeting the mafia, KKK, politicians, parents , siblings, people like you and even Dr phil. You cant pin issues like violence and crime on music the real blame falls solemnly on ourselves, if you cant respect black pple lyk me and you call us animals because of the way we dress and the music we listen to then i understand why we have so much evil in the world. ONE LOVE
2007-05-10 13:15:53 UTC
people are responsible for violence and crimes, not a damn song or genre of music. you are truly a racist and should be reported for this question. Oh yeah, it's the parents responsibility to teach their children the difference between right and wrong, not an artists job. Get with it a**hole.
2007-05-10 02:27:01 UTC
no kind of media is responsible for what anyone does, it can influence people with ideas but they use their own judgment to copy what they see, its also how we're raised and what we learn from our environment & who we're around-

some people blame rap for shootings & that stuff just like people blame heavy metal for teens cutting themself or committing suicide & it's not banned and there is alot of positive hip-hop and all other motivational music sounds like you're just ignorant, especially the racist black animals comment, go read and get educated
2007-05-10 08:16:53 UTC
rap itself is not responsible for crime. the rappers rap about crime because it sells. as long as it sells they'll keep doing it and it's too big of an industry to ban it
2007-05-10 07:05:44 UTC
how shut the hell up you racist? i doubt you would call a black person a "black animal" to his face so why call them behind youre computer screen? and in response to youre question I think you need to actually listen to some rap before you ask a question like that, Yes they talk about guns sometimes, but slipknot talk about slitting their wrists and stuff. so please.....shut the hell up you stereotypical loser
2007-05-10 06:21:56 UTC
Rap music isint responsible, Its the stupid people who does the crimes. Stupid racist patty people like you.

Whats causing all the white men raping girls?

You dumtard.
2007-05-10 04:27:35 UTC
u know how to survive when u hear lil waynes joints, u know how to screw when u hear bow wow's newest, i love judging words and lyrics with rap music along with the beats its not that ive heard yet put anyone in jail or went to prison for selling drugs on the corner, i am down with every word and its the worse they slang it ( sing it ) actuallly whisper it now a days is sexier to women , lol honestly !!!!! like the kia shine ~((im so crispy)) damnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!! and then his ((((stunnna frames)))) damn ............... sexa as hell ? take a poll from women like me ? yea hes a gangsta alright from the kinfolk soldiers.................... but i i ******* love it.................. no we want more more more offfff 3~6 mafia'sssssss (lil white) i got that candy !!!!!!!!!!!!! thats whats in real rap loverssssssss mindssssssssssssss.............. ^geegee^

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