Nas Track Called Money Over Bullshit On Hip hop is dead Dissing jim jones?
2007-05-10 06:51:13 UTC
Near the End Of THe First Verse He Says "Put a barrel in the capo mouth, 'til his scalp come out
You a kid, you don't live what you rap about
King poetic, too many haters to count
Too much paper to count, QB *****"
It Sounds Like A Diss To Jim Jones I Could be wrong but be wrong cause it sounds subliminal But Jim jones is well know for Calling HIm Self Jim "CAPO" Jones And Always Talking About Capo Status ANd Saying THe Word Alot What Do you think
Four answers:
Change of Venue (Not In Use)
2007-05-10 07:00:59 UTC
Probably, cause Jim Jones is whack...
2007-05-10 13:55:40 UTC
Actually, a "diss" to Jim Jones would be more like.... "Is that kool-aid in your cup, or are you just happy to see me".

The sky is falling, the end is near.
Relax Guy
2007-05-10 13:53:42 UTC
Who cares.
2007-05-10 14:01:26 UTC
yo, foo, don't be hatin all up in herr nah!

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